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1.2006-2012。加州大学洛杉矶分校(University of California at Los Angeles)亚洲语言文化博士。
毕业论文:《早期中国作者模式及文献形成》(“Models of Authorship and Text-making in Early China”)。
2.2003-2005。西密执安大学(Western Michigan University)历史学硕士。
毕业论文:《考工记初步研究》(“A Preliminary Study on the Kaogong ji (Records of the Artificers)”)。
1.2019年9月至今,亚洲知名网络赌博网站排名 教授。
2.2016年9月至2019年8月,亚洲知名网络赌博网站排名 副教授。
3.2013年8月至2016年8月,纽约州立大学新帕尔兹分校语文文化系及亚洲研究学部助理教授(Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Department and Asian Studies Program, SUNY New Paltz, tenure tracked Assistant Professor)。
4.2012年10月至2013年6月,加州大学洛杉矶分校亚洲语言文化系访问讲师(Asian Languages and Cultures Department, UCLA, Visiting Lecturer)。
5.2007年3月至2011年7月,加州大学洛杉矶分校亚洲语言文化系助教(Teaching Associate)、教员(Teaching Fellow)、讲师(Instructor)。
1. 当前课题:艺术史、宗教与考古语境下的马王堆地图综合研究。
2. 计划课题:史料、证据与史料的中程处理:方法论的反思与探索。
3. 计划课题:武帝晚期的巫蛊与猎巫:方法论的反思。
4. 计划课题:《世本集览》的整理与《世本》研究
5. 参与课题:在由加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)与山东省考古所和山东大学合作的联合项目“景观,废墟,记忆:汶泗地区的考古学考察”(“Landscape, Ruins, and Memory: Archaeological Survey in the Wen-Si Region”)。
6. 参与课题:UCLA 跨学科研究项目“中西医结合翻译的理想实践”(“Best Practices in the Translation of Integrative East-West Medicine”)。
7. 参与课题:UCLA与香港中文大学“旧社会,新信仰:中世纪早期欧洲与中国的信仰碰撞及文化认同”(“Old Society, New Faith: Religious Encounter and Cultural Identity in Early Medieval China and Europe”)。
8. 参与课题:《左传》英译。
9. 参与课题:蔻岑(Cotsen)先生所藏亚洲铜镜镜铭图录(The Lloyd Cotsen Study Collection of Chinese Bronze Mirrors Volume I: Catalogue)。
10. 参与课题:“坎特伯雷大教堂视觉艺术工程” (“Visual Art Project of Canterbury Cathedral”)。
1.Authorship and Text-making in Early China. Mouton: De Gruyter,2018.
2.《中国神话故事》。北京:中国少儿出版社, 2007.
1.《黄仁宇和他的中国大历史》, 《读书》 2019.7, 71-80页。
5.《国家的财产,音乐的囚徒:宋杂剧演员的身份及其在瓦市中的角色》,孟飞、陈竹茗编《汉学英华:饶宗颐亚洲知名网络赌博网站排名 院刊增刊》(中华书局香港有限公司,2018),145-192页。
7.《<汤在帝门>、十月怀胎与早期中国术数观》,《饶宗颐亚洲知名网络赌博网站排名 院刊》( Bulletin of Jo Tsung-I Academy of Sinology)4(2017),173-212页。
11. “Dream of the Emperor and Translation of a Scripture,” Historical and Philological Studies of China’s Western Regions 10(2017),275-319.
12. “From Myth to History: Historicizing a Sage for the Sake of Persuasion in the Yellow Emperor Narratives,” Chinese Humanities, 3(2017), 91-116.
13. “The World Floating in the Clouds: Reinterpretation of the Mawangdui Maps in Their Art and Religious Contexts,” Artibus Asiae 76.2(2016), 147-196.
14.“The Lore of Liu An and the Authorship of the Huainanzi,” Monumenta Serica 64.2(2016),333-359。
15. “Property of the State, Prisoners of Music: Identity of the Song Drama Players and Their Roles in the Washi Pleasure Precincts”),Bulletin of Jo Tsung-I Academy of Sinology 2(2015),277-326.
16.“Enchantment, Charming, and the Notion of the Femme Fatalein Early Chinese Historiography,” Asian Medicine: Tradition and Modernity 8(2015),249-294.
17.“Considerations in the Translation of Chinese Medicine,”coauthored with Sonya Pritzker and Ka-Kit Hui,(UCLA Center for East-West Medicine //cewm.med.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/CM-Considerations-4.10.14-FINAL.pdf).
18.“Liu An,” Berkshire Dictionary of Chinese Biographies (Berkshire Publishing Group, 2014), 281-286.
19. “A Performance Design on a Chinese Bronze Mirror in the Cotsen Collection,”in Lothar von Falkenhausen ed., The Lloyd Cotsen Study Collection of Chinese Bronze Mirrors (Volume II) (Los Angeles: Cotsen Occasional Press and UCLA Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press (Monumenta Archaeologica 25), 2011), 74—87.
20.《关于中国上古史研究的史料构成问题》,收入夏含夷(Edward Shaughnessy)主编《剑桥中国上古史的编撰背景与反响》,即将出版。(中文)
21.《载 [OC]*[ts]ˤәʔ +营 [OC]*[ɢ]ʷeŋ =精 [OC]*tseŋ:“载营”试析与《老子》第十章首句的解释》,《饶宗颐亚洲知名网络赌博网站排名 院刊》6(2019),即将出版。
22. “Searching for the Origin of a Motif: An Reevaluation of the Diffusionist Model by Examining the Motif of Tree Serving as a Separating Device in Early Artistic Traditions,”《浙江大学艺术与考古研究》,即将出版。
23.“Witchcraft and Witch-hunting in Emperor Wu’s Late Reign: A Reappraisal”),Bulletin of Jo Tsung-I Academy of Sinology 审评过程中。
1.“Building of the Tomb of Shihuangdi.” World history Encyclopedia: Era 3: Classical Traditions, 1000 BCE-300 CE, Volumes 5-6, edited by Alfred J. Andrea et al., Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2011, 213-214.
2. “Chinese burials of the Han periods.” World history Encyclopedia: Era 3: Classical Traditions, 1000 BCE-300 CE, Volumes 5-6, edited by Alfred J. Andrea et al., Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2011, 214-215.
3. “Han Chinese Military Movement to the West.” World history Encyclopedia: Era 3: Classical Traditions, 1000 BCE-300 CE, Volumes 5-6, edited by Alfred J. Andrea et al., Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2011, 253-254.
4. “Empire and Elites in Zhou and Spring and Autumn China.” World history Encyclopedia: Era 3: Classical Traditions, 1000 BCE-300 CE, Volumes 5-6, edited by Alfred J. Andrea et al., Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2011, 369.
5.“Images of Filial Piety in China.” World history Encyclopedia: Era 3: Classical Traditions, 1000 BCE-300 CE, Volumes 5-6, edited by Alfred J. Andrea et al., Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2011, 422-423.
6.“Fall of the Eastern Han.” World history Encyclopedia: Era 3: Classical Traditions, 1000 BCE-300 CE, Volumes 5-6, edited by Alfred J. Andrea et al., Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2011, 502-503.
1.《文本与文物:《剑桥中国上古史》书评》(“Texts and Artifacts: A Review of The Cambridge History of Ancient China,” Monumenta Serica 49 (2001): 463-515)),《国学学刊》2017.2,5-42页。英译汉。
2.《口述性及《左传》和《国语》的源头》(“Orality and the Origins of the Zuozhuan and Guoyu,” in David Schaberg, A Patterned Past: Form and Thought in Early Chinese Historiography (Cambridge and London: Harvard University Asia Center, 2001),315-324),《当代海外中国研究》 1(2012), 98—130页。 英译汉。
3.《中医文献翻译刍议》( “Considerations in the Translation of Chinese Medicine” ),(UCLA Center for East-West Medicine: //cewm.med.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/CHINESE-CM-Considerations-4.28.14-FINAL.pdf)。 英译汉。
1.Review Article: Writing and the Ancient State: Early China in Comparative Perspective (《书写与古国:比较视角下的早期中国》), by Wang Haicheng. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014). ISBN: 978-1-107-02812-8. 385 pages. 《浙江大学艺术与考古研究》, 2 (2015),317-355。
2.Review: Life Along the Silk Road (Second Edition) (《丝绸之路沿途生活》第二版), by Susan Whitfield. (Oakland: University of California Press, 2015). In the September issue of CHOICE.
3.Review: Urbanization in Early and Medieval China: Gazetteers for the City of Suzhou (中国早期及中世纪时期的城市化:苏州市志), by Olivia Milburn. (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2015). In the December issue of CHOICE.